Monday 15 October 2012

A big welcome to 'The Juice Crone'

Hecate who sees the past the present and the future.

The Juicy Crone is the blog of Wendy Smith. Having embraced both the maiden and mother goddess archetypes she is entering the third stage of life  the crone. Inspired by the work of Jungian psychoanalyst Jean Shinoda Bolen,the Juicy Crone is a site for women of a certain age who want to get their goddess on.

 In myths and stories from cultures around the world, the crone is most often associated with wisdom and guidance. But she is also associated with deep belly laughter, an earthy sexuality and a freedom from the strictures and mores of the society she lives in.

At the Juicy Crone offers wisdom collected over the past 50 years, snippets from daily life and lots of interesting, empowering and awesome ways to get in touch with the many goddesses that are waiting to be bought to life in women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.

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